Your firm and your clients want you to deliver more value and to do so more quickly and at a lower cost. The only sane way to do all this is to think differently and innovate – in the services you provide, the way you deliver them and even in your business development. This session covers:

  • How serious creativity can benefit you, your firm and your clients.
  • Yes, you are creative, even if you have forgotten how.
  • Seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no-one else has thought.
  • Tapping into the ideas and different perspectives of others.
  • Defining a problem so that it can be solved creatively.
  • Applying a creative process using proven techniques to provoke your thinking.
  • Working with colleagues and others to think creatively and innovate.
  • Nurturing and testing out new business ideas. 

During the programme and beyond you will be given access to tips, templates and other resources as reminders and to help implement points covered in the programme.

At any point, you can optionally request a one-to-one discussion with the trainer Phil Gott

If you or your colleagues would like to complete this programme, please email

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