Getting things done through other people is essential for anyone who wants to progress. It is also important for efficient working and to develop others. Yet sometimes it can seem easier and less stressful just to do the work ourselves, even though we know that’s not the right approach. This session will look at:

  • What good people managers do, and don’t do, and what you can learn from them.
  • Uncovering and understanding what motivates your people, and helping them to succeed.
  • How, by spending 3 minutes planning before you delegate, you can save substantial time and get better quality work.
  • Why it's beneficial for people to receive your feedback, and how you need to deliver it – both praise and where improvement is needed - so that it will be well-received.
  • Recognising and overcoming the challenges of managing people in a hybrid working world.
  • Dealing with practical people issues.

During the programme and beyond you will be given access to tips, templates and other resources as reminders and to help implement points covered in the programme.

At any point, you can optionally request a one-to-one discussion with the trainer Phil Gott

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